
Available since LÖVE 0.7.0
This module is not supported in earlier versions.

Allows you to work with threads.

Threads are separate instances of the LOVE environment, running in parallel to the main code. As their code runs in a separate process, they can be used to compute complex operations without adversely affecting the frame rate of the main process. However,as they are separate environments, they cannot acces the variables and functions of the main thread, and communication between threads is limited.

O.png and love.thread don't play nice together. Don't call functions from a Thread.  


ChannelAn object which can be used to send and receive data between different threads.
ThreadA Thread represents a thread.


love.thread.getChannelCreates or retrieves a named thread channel.
love.thread.getThreadLook for a thread and get its object.
love.thread.getThreadsGet all threads.
love.thread.newChannelCreates a new unnamed thread channel.
love.thread.newThreadCreates a new Thread from a filename, string or FileData object containing Lua code.

See Also

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